George Santos has just weeks to pay $205,000 after a federal judge filed a forfeiture order that requires he pay before being ...
THRIVE Suffolk will host its annual Recovery-Friendly New Year's Eve Celebration for those looking to welcome the new year ...
The Department of State offers a robust suite of community planning and development programs that are transforming ...
As Nassau County recorded the driest October on record, Sands Points residents used a record amount of water during the month ...
The proposed $5 billion resort and casino by the Las Vegas Sands Corporation has been at the heart of lawsuits, public ...
Nassau County has received nearly $100 million in opioid settlement funds and spent about $3 million. With a majority of the ...
They said a state Education Department’s regionalization initiative calling for regional planning threatened local control ...
In a move that puts a banker with nearly 20 years of experience at the company in a key role, Alan Petrilli has been named ...
Charles Dolan, the telecommunications pioneer from Cove Neck who innovated cable television with the founding Cablevision and ...
Their battle cry is clear. There is too much competition to allow in more immigrants, however tech-savvy. What happened to ...
Some folks never learn. I mean that literally. They wander through life heads down, thumbs waggling, looking at their best ...
The most frequent practice partner for star Wheatley School heavyweight wrestler Daniel Haroon weighs 60 pounds.