The death of a homeless man in Bratislava is being prosecuted for the crime of manslaughter. The death of a homeless Ukrainian man, who was found injured outside the Nivy shopping centre on 30 January ...
The ruling coalition faced another serious shake-up on Tuesday when it emerged that the 79 votes in parliament were by no means certain. According to political scientist Miroslav Řádek, the situation ...
The Ukrainian citizen was found with injuries to his head in the early morning hours of Thursday (30 January) near a shopping centre in Bratislava and succumbed to his injuries the following day.
Pre zobrazenie videa je potrebné povoliť JavaScript. Police have identified several masked persons who were supposed to have attacked other persons in Bratislava. The investigation did not show a link ...
Futbalisti Manchestru City prehrali v prvom dueli play off o osemfinále Ligy majstrov s Realom Madrid 2:3 Domáci dvakrát ...
Nečakane dobré výsledky dosiahol na víkendových ostravských halových pretekoch prekážkár Matej Baluch. Svojimi časmi sa ...
Slovensko získalo prvú medailu na majstrovstvách sveta v para-alpskom lyžovaní. V slovinskom Maribore sa o ňu postarala ...
Rusko prepustilo Američana Marca Fogela, ktorého ruský súd predtým uznal za vinného z pašovania drog a poslal ho na 14 rokov ...
Predseda SNS Andrej Danko adresoval premiérovi Robertovi Ficovi ostrý list, v ktorom kritizuje spôsob riešenia vládnej krízy.