Colombia has lifted restrictions on imports of U.S. beef and fully restored market access to the U.S.  Earlier this year, the ...
The Illinois Corn Marketing Board utilizes corn checkoff dollars to support the work of the U.S. Grains Council across the globe. One of the many outreach efforts supported by the Illinois corn ...
Each year, the Michigan Soybean Committee sponsors a football game and a men’s basketball game at Michigan State University. In this Pods for Profit, we’ll hear what the checkoff has planned this ...
The Iowa Soybean Association has been celebrating 60 years of moving the industry forward. On this final episode of Seeds of Success, the organization’s CEO looks ahead at the opportunities for U.S.
Harvest is variable across portions of the Corn Belt, with many farmers noting the dry conditions. “We’ve had to irrigate a ...
An eastern Nebraska farmer says his fields have shown signs of disease pressure as harvest gets underway. Matt Bailey tells ...
Rice harvest made good progress in Arkansas in the last week. USDA says the crop is 75% harvested, ahead of last year and the ...
South Dakota’s corn harvest has begun and it’s not starting quickly. USDA says 3% of the crop is harvested, behind last year’s progress and only a slight increase from the previous week. More than ...
Above normal temperatures and mostly dry conditions continue to keep harvest at an above average pace in Wisconsin. USDA says ...
A central Kansas farmer says ongoing drought has had a significant impact on corn harvest. Brian Sieker tells Brownfield… ...
Michigan crops continue to develop ahead of last year and the five-year average. Pioneer forage specialist Dann Bollinger ...
Corn and soybean harvest and tobacco cutting were the primary activities last week for farmers in Kentucky. The USDA says dry ...