The Government of the Russian Federation has approved a draft law that defines who and from what moment is considered to have resigned from the board of directors of business companies. The bill ...
On September 19-20, a conference on the future of the IT industry, SkillStaff Conf 2024, was held in Moscow. The speakers identified trends for the next 5 years, and also discussed the transformation ...
American oil and gas companies Vital Energy Inc. and Northern Oil and Gas Inc. (NOG) have completed a deal to acquire the assets of Point Energy Partners, LLC, a portfolio company of Vortus ...
Vista Equity Partners and Blackstone Inc. have made a number of concessions to a consortium of lenders that provide financing for the $8 billion acquisition of Smartsheet Inc. This is reported in the ...
From January 1, 2025, the tax authorities will apply a simplified procedure for reviewing complaints, which will affect all categories of complaints, except those filed against decisions of tax ...
O'KEY Group S.A., in addition to the announcement made on May 15, 2024, announced that in connection with the submitted appeal, listing in the Official List of the Financial Regulatory Authority of ...
Rostec State Corporation will present about 50 advanced developments at the International Industrial Exhibition Innoprom-2024 in Yekaterinburg. The key objects will be a full-size hybrid power plant ...
Саудовская Аравия привлекает интерес ведущих американских банков в качестве важного игрока на ближневосточном рынке.
В рамках Российской энергетической недели РусГидро и VK Tech подписали меморандум о сотрудничестве. Стороны договорились ...
ЦБ РФ установил официальный курс доллара США на 28 сентября в размере 92.7126 руб. против 92.4074 руб. на 27 сентября.
Развитие экологического туризма – одно из направлений работы Минприроды России по одноимённому федпроекту национального ...
Банк России установил на 28 сентября 2024 года курсы иностранных валют к рублю Российской Федерации для учёта и таможенных ...