Samsung Electronics said it spent 10.3 trillion won on R&D in the fourth quarter and a record 35 trillion won in 2024. For the entire 2024, its annual net profit surged 122.5 percent on-year to 34.45 ...
For the first time, SK Hynix overtook Samsung on quarterly profit in the fourth quarter, driven by its lead in HBM sales, which it expects to double this year. Samsung’s chip division reported an ...
Samsung Electronics on Friday warned of sluggish sales of its artificial intelligence chips in the current quarter due to U.S ...
Samsung Electronics said on Friday its fourth-quarter net income rose more than 20 per cent from a year earlier despite the waning global demand for memory chips, beating market expectations. Its net ...
SEOUL -- Samsung Electronics said Chinese artificial intelligence challenger DeepSeek presents a "short-term risk" but vowed to cope with the rapidly changing AI landscape.
The world’s largest maker of memory chips and smartphones forecasts limited earnings growth in the current quarter as ...