The Ten Commandments Bill, formally known as House Bill 313, would require Georgia public schools to display the Ten ...
Passing 10 Commandments legislation is such a high priority that Texas Republicans are so serious about that Patrick gave the ...
Republicans in the Texas Senate introduced a bill that would require the Ten Commandments to be displayed in public schools ...
ATLANTA — A north Georgia lawmaker wants to require every public school in Georgia to display the Ten Commandments, in three ...
The Decalogue, which most people mistakenly call “The Ten Commandments,” is contained in the fifth Exodus biblical portion, Yitro, which Moses repeats with many changes in the fifth chapter of ...
Bills introduced by Republicans in the Texas Senate would require the Ten Commandments to be displayed in public schools and ...
As a pastor, it seems many Christians have watered down God’s purpose of love in the Ten Commandments to just be a set of ...
Everything clicked when Peter Thiel gave the speech about God.
Proponents continued to emphasize that the bill would be taught in a secular manner, that puts into context the role the ten ...