Synex Medical just raised $21.8 million to build a portable MRI capable of testing glucose and other important molecules ...
In a constantly changing world, animals, including humans, need to quickly adapt to their environment and learn to make ...
These brain regions in the cortex that carry out more advanced functions appear to represent much more complex states, ...
Researchers have previously taken images of pregnant women's brains, but these can miss temporary changes in the brain that go back to normal by the time the woman gives birth. These new scans could ...
Dogs' brains literally sync up with humans', and the stronger your bond, the more your brains mirror each other.
Department of Psychology, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany; Laboratory of Neuroinformatics, Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology o ...
A recent study by The University College London found that internet addiction can do some serious damage to teens’ brains.
In a groundbreaking study in Biological Psychiatry, published by Elsevier, researchers report significant strides in enhancing early diagnosis of bipolar disorder in adolescents.
In a groundbreaking study in Biological Psychiatry, published by Elsevier, researchers report significant strides ...
Neuroscientists at the University of Barcelona set about on a search for brain areas involved in chess-related tasks so that ...
From movies to TV and parental anecdotes, teenagers are often characterized as risk-taking and impulsive with poor ...
Sugary beverages were less satisfying to participants after bariatric surgery and weight loss, found a recent observational ...