Want Feedback on Your Essay? Submit your essay and one of our experienced Community readers will give you personalized feedback for FREE. Find out what's working–and what's not. Sign-up for feedback ...
An unweighted grade point average (GPA) of 2.6 means a student has earned mostly B's and C's in high school.
New Year, new beginnings! Enter to win the $1,000 New Year, New You Scholarship Giveaway from Ascent and Mos. We’ve teamed up with College Aid Pro to bring you the $1,000 Save More, Stress Less ...
What Are The Best Test Prep Tips and Strategies? We've pulled together resources that highlight proven ways to help you study smarter, not harder, so you can get an edge on the SAT/ACT and move closer ...
California is home to more college students than any other state in the U.S. In 2021, 2.71 million students were enrolled in California’s 339 colleges and universities, which include top schools like ...
There are 234 colleges in NY. In 2020-21 New York colleges enrolled 1,135,509 students, including 961,791 undergrads and 180,016 grad students. New York is the third most popular state to attend ...
In 2021, 107,356 students applied to UCLA and only 15,352 were admitted.
Browse a list of colleges and universities that accept students with a SAT score of 900.
See a list of colleges and universities where the average student scored a 1300 on the SAT.
See a list of colleges and universities that accept students with a SAT score of 1200.
A 2.9 GPA (unweighted) means a student has gotten mostly B's in high school.
An ACT score of 32 is an excellent score. The highest ACT score is a 36. If you earned a 32 on the ACT, congratulations!