Japan’s Fuji TV is grappling with a major crisis over its handling of a sexual assault scandal surrounding star presenter ...
Dozens of major Japanese companies have pulled their commercials from broadcaster Fuji Television amid allegations company ...
Japanese TV network Fuji faces mass advertiser exodus after allegations of covering up sexual assault claims against host ...
When driving through the countryside of Japan we heard our tires make music at a certain point. We both looked at each other and threw the car 180 degrees around. At the start of the road, we saw a ...
Major sponsors such as carmakers Nissan and Toyota and the owner of 7-Eleven announced they were pulling ads from Fuji TV ...
SMAP member allegedly engaged in sexual misconduct and Fuji TV is now facing criticism over its handling of the issue.
Japan’s Fuji TV faced renewed criticism Friday after an activist investor demanded an independent inquiry into a scandal ...
Japan's Fuji Television said it will open an investigation into a high-profile sex scandal linked to one of the country's top ...
A growing number of top brands are pulling adverts from major Japanese broadcaster Fuji Television over sexual misconduct allegations against a host and former J-Pop star.
A US investment management firm has reportedly asked Japanese broadcaster Fuji Television Network to hold another news conference on a scandal involving popular personality Nakai Masahiro that is open ...
Many major Japanese companies said Monday they are suspending commercials on Fuji Television Network Inc., as the broadcaster ...
An activist investor is demanding that Japan’s Fuji Media Holdings Inc. investigate a scandal embroiling one of the country’s ...